Nine strangest and most peculiar lakes in the world
Some of the lakes are really special, such as the Dead Sea (a very salty lake).
However, there are also some rather bizarre lakes that we are sure you have hardly ever heard of but that, if you ever find yourself in those parts, are worth exploring.
Here are the 9 craziest lakes in the world.
Nature is capable of creating spectacles that are simply magnificent: for example, it has managed to shape some lakes in such a way as to give them truly distinctive shapes.
Such is the case with the striking lake Nackern, located in the Swedish region of Östergötland, a short distance from the city of Linköping. When viewed from above, it truly looks like a heart nestled among lush forests.
© Sergey Pesterev / Wikimedia Commons
Lago Baikal (Siberia, Russia)
Lake Baikal owes its uniqueness to accumulations of methane gas that melt and form perfect circles.
Lukas from Munich, Germany, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia C
Jellyfish Lake
The Jellyfish Lake, located on the island of Palau, is so named precisely because of the enormous amount of jellyfish it harbors because of its isolation from ocean predators. These jellyfish are deep yellow in color and are quite stinging but their stings are not harmful to humans.
Sander van der Wel from Netherlands, CC BY-SA 2.0 ,
The lake of Resia and its bell tower
Lake Resia is located in South Tyrol, a province in northern Italy, and is an artificial lake created in 1950. Because of its characteristic as an artificial lake, it is quite famous because, inside and submerged by the waters is a church of which only the bell tower is visible.
Prosthetic Head, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Common
Lake Superior, the surfers' lake
This lake is located at Minnesota, in the U.S., and-despite being a lake-at the right time of year it has waves so big that surfers can have fun with their boards. Unfortunately, this time of year is also the least mild, that is, with the water at about 0-5 degrees Celsius.
Brocken Inaglory, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commo
Boiling Lake in Dominica
This lake, as its name also implies, is a constantly boiling lake. Bathing in it is somewhat dangerous; in fact, you would risk getting scalded unless you stay on the edge where temperatures are about 160-190 degrees Fahrenheit. Why the boiling? Easy, the lake is near volcanic activity and is also highly unstable.
Firoze Edassery, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Common
Jal Mahal (Jaipur, India)
Jal Mahal (Jaipur, India) is a palace built for Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II in the 1700s that was later surrounded by water as a result of flooding after the construction of a dam.
Ville Miettinen from Helsinki, Finland, CC BY 2.0 , via
Lake Colorada (Bolivia)
This lake, in Bolivia, contains red water and feels like being on Mars when you go to visit it. Within it there are also small white islands consisting of borax (a kind of detergent) and it is popular with flamingos.
Grueslayer, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Pitch Lake (Trinidad and Tobago)
Pitch Lake is the largest natural asphalt deposit in the world, that is, an entire lake of liquid asphalt. It has been visited by scientists from all over the world and the present asphalt used to pave the city of New York. This lake is located at Trinidad and Tobago, a state in Latin America.
Kurioziteti123, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Lake Hiller, the pink lake of Australia
This is among the most famous lakes in the world, and it has long been talked about because, apparently, people cannot understand why it is deep pink in color. This pearl is located on the island of Middle Island, the largest within the Australian archipelago called Recherche and consisting of at least 100 islands, in the vicinity of Cape Arid. It is a salt lake and the surrounding vegetation is mostly eucalyptus trees.