Some strange wedding customs around the world that still survive today

Some strange wedding customs in the world.

Wedding customs are the name for customs or traditions that are observed on the wedding day or are related to the wedding itself. These customs vary from country to country and often from region to region. But some traditions around the world are really strange and still survive today.

For example, the custom of the black, drunken bride in Scotland or the custom of baking bread from the bride's body. Browse through the gallery to discover other strange wedding customs around the world.

Some strange wedding customs around the world
Wedding customs are the name for customs or traditions that are observed on the wedding day or are related to the wedding itself. These customs vary from country to country and often from region to region. But some traditions around the world are really strange and survive to this day. For example, the custom of the black, drunken bride in Scotland or the custom of baking bread from the bride's body.
Black and drunk bride in Scotland
The Scots have a rather strange premarital custom. The bride, before she puts on her white dress, is kidnapped by the groomsmen and close friends. Once kidnapped, they then pour a black substance mixed with rotten eggs, ashes and milk over her and sprinkle her with feathers. The bride in this state, must visit at least ten pubs in the area and have a drink everywhere.
There is no dancing in Ireland
In Ireland many people believe that Irish gnomes and fairies are real, so the bride must also beware of their mysterious power. That is why Irish brides are careful not to dance, otherwise they might be kidnapped by evil beings during the night. The Irish believe this and therefore do not dance at their weddings.
Slovakia: baking bread from the body of the bride
It is an 'almost forgotten custom, but it is still encountered from time to time. The bride is smeared with honey by her family and then wrapped in this way rolled in wheat. What remained was then added to the dough from which bread was baked for the groom.
France: farewell to the first wedding night
When the French get married, there is a terrible riot, and the wedding party takes place directly under the bride and groom's window. They blow whistles, beat pots with wooden spoons and bells. That is until the bride comes down the stairs and invites them up, and a giant drinking party follows that lasts until morning. So the couple is never alone on their first night as a married couple.
Greece, the krevati ceremony
The ceremony called krevati, involves guests gathering at the home of the betrothed and throwing money on the couple's bed. It is customary for the Greeks to invite all their relatives, who invite their friends and who in turn invite their friends. The average wedding has 500 to 1,500 guests.
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