Bali, soon motorcycle rental banned for foreign travelers?

Bali, the paradise island of Indonesia, is reportedly considering issuing rules to place certain limits on foreign travellers. This was announced by Governor Wayan Koster, as also reported by CNN.

The new rules would, among other things, ban renting motorbikes to foreign travellers and impose limits on the use of cars to travel around the island. The rules would aim to crack down on foreign tourists working illegally in Bali and could also include so-called 'digital nomads'.

The new rules that are expected to come into force in Bali would also be designed to prevent foreigners from riding motorbikes without wearing proper helmets or valid documents.

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Bali and new rules to place limits on foreign travelers
Bali, Indonesia's paradise island, is reportedly considering enacting rules to place certain limits on foreign travelers. This was announced by Governor Wayan Koster, as also reported by CNN.
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Bans and restrictions on the use of motorcycles and cars
The new rules would include, among other things, a ban on renting motorcycles to foreign travelers and the imposition of limits on the use of cars to get around the island. The rules would aim to crack down on foreign tourists working illegally on Bali and could also include so-called "digital nomads."
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Fighting abuse
The new rules expected to go into effect in Bali would also be designed to prevent foreigners from riding motorcycles without wearing compliant helmets or without valid documents. Other abuses they would like to prevent include often reckless driving, use of fake Indonesian ID cards, abuse of residence and work permits.
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The aim is to ensure quality and decent tourism
Should the rules come into force, it will be interesting to see how tourists from all over the world, who choose Bali as their travel destination every year, will react. For the island, it is a question of curbing the behaviour that over time has made coexistence between citizens and tourists almost impossible. The ultimate aim, as stated by Governor Koster, would be to have only means of transport prepared by the tourist services that meet certain standards, 'to ensure quality and dignified tourism'.
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New rules also prevent accidents
The push to adopt the new rules would also be linked to the numerous accidents that careless tourists have caused in recent times.
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