The Sistine Chapel of Milan, the church of San Maurizio

The church of San Maurizio was acknowledged by the Italian art critic Vittorio Sgarbi the Sistine Chapel in Milan.

Located in corso Magenta, it is considered one of the most beautiful treasures of the city of Milan. Its construction began in 1503 and initially it was the church of the former Major Monastery. For this reason, the church will be divided into two halves: one for the public and the other for cloistered nuns, who could not come into contact with other people.

The spectacle of the church is offered above all by the decorations, with paintings, stuccoes and frescoes that cover every space.

Barbara vellucci
Where is the church of san Maurizio in Milan
The church of san Maurizio is located in corso Magenta and is considered one of the most beautiful treasures of the city of Milan. Its construction began in 1503 and initially it was the church of the former Major Monastery. For this reason, the church will be divided into two halves: one for the public and the other for cloistered nuns, who could not come into contact with other people.
Cristina Uva -
Why it was defined as the Sistine Chapel of Milan
To define the church of san Maurizio "the Sistine Chapel" of Milan was the Italian art critic Vittorio Sgarbi. What is striking about this church are above all the decorations, with paintings, stuccoes and frescoes that cover every space, both in the public part and in what in the past was intended for cloistered nuns, defined as the Choir of the Nuns.
Bernardino Luini and decorations of St. Maurice
The Italian painter Bernardino Luini, of the Lombard Renaissance school, worked inside the church of San Maurizio, with his school, from 1522 to 1529. Thanks to his contribution, inside the church you can admire stories of saints, parables, episodes from the life of Christ and biblical. The details to be discovered among all the decorations would seem almost endless.
Some details not to be missed
Of particular interest are the frescoes on the partition, including the martyrdom of san Maurizio andan Sigismondo, which offers to itselfan Maurizio the model of the church. Do not miss the figure from behind that seems to look elsewhere, in the public part of the church, and the large fresco of Noah's ark - in which unicorns are also visible - in the Choir of the Nuns.
The restoration of the church
Already in the eighties, the colors inside the church had appeared altered, with some figures completely disappeared, infiltrations and blackening due to the passage of time. The need for restoration meant that the works began as early as 1985, thanks to private contributions, and then continued from 1997 and until 2015.
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