Cinque Terre: discovering Riomaggiore

Riomaggiore is a picturesque coastal village located in the Italian region of Liguria, and is one of the five villages that make up the famous Cinque Terre. 

It is a popular tourist destination thanks to its natural beauty, traditions and history.

The village is characterised by colourful houses perched on the slopes of the hills overlooking the sea. 

The narrow, picturesque streets of the historic centre are full of small shops, craft workshops and restaurants, where it is possible to taste traditional Ligurian dishes such as focaccia al formaggio.

Marco Bardi
Cinque Terre: discovering Riomaggiore
Riomaggiore is a picturesque coastal town located in the Italian region of Liguria, and is one of the five towns that make up the famous Cinque Terre.
Marco Bardi
Very touristy destination
It is a well-known tourist destination because of its natural beauty, traditions and history.
Marco Bardi
Its characteristics
The village is characterized by colorful houses nestled on the slopes of hills overlooking the sea.
Marco Bardi
The historic center
The narrow, picturesque streets of the historic center are filled with small stores, craft stores, and restaurants, where you can enjoy traditional Ligurian dishes.
Marco Bardi
The marina
One of the most famous attractions of Riomaggiore is the marina, where visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of the crystal clear waters of the sea and take a romantic stroll along the marina promenade.
Marco Bardi
There are also a variety of beaches, from Bagnasciuga to Punta Corvo.
Marco Bardi
Scenic walks
Despite being a small town, Riomaggiore offers numerous routes for hiking in the surrounding nature, including the famous 'blue trail,' a series of scenic walks connecting the five villages of the Cinque Terre.
Marco Bardi
Why visit Riomaggiore?
Riomaggiore is a place that offers many things to do, see and taste, and is a must for any visit to Liguria.
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