Where are some of the most beautiful Egyptian museums in the world

Egyptian culture fascinates our society like few others. Pharaohs, sphinxes, pyramids, hieroglyphics.

All these things make us dream and take us back to a time that in our imagination has the mythical and the mysterious. The Napoleonic exploits of the early 1800s brought to Europe untold numbers of works of art of all kinds, displayed in museums around the world.

But where is the greatest concentration of Egyptian works on public display? Here is a list of some of the largest and most beautiful Egyptian museums in the world, a must-see for any culture-hungry tourist.

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Some of the most beautiful Egyptian museums in the world
Egyptian culture fascinates our society like few others. Pharaohs, sphinxes, pyramids, hieroglyphics. All these things make us dream and take us back to a time that in our imagination has the mythical and the mysterious. The Napoleonic exploits of the early 1800s brought to Europe an untold number of artworks of all kinds, displayed in museums around the world.But where is the greatest concentration of Egyptian works on public display? Here is a list of the world's largest and most beautiful Egyptian museums, a must-see for every culture-hungry tourist.
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Cairo Museum (Egypt)
The most comprehensive collection of Ancient Egyptian objects in the world is present. Pictured here are two eight-meter-high colossal statues of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty Amenhotep III (13911353 B.C.) - father of Amenhotep IV or Akhenaton and believed to be the grandfather of Tutankhamon - and his consort Queen Tiye.
Museum of Turin (Italy)
The oldest museum in the world completely dedicated to Ancient Egypt, and the most important after the one in Cairo. In this photo the huge sarcophagus of Butehamon.
British Museum - London (United Kingdom)
Perhaps the most important artifact in the entire Egyptian world is preserved in London, namely the Rosetta Stone, a stone engraved with text in three different languages and which made it possible to decipher hieroglyphic writing.
Museum of Fine Arts - Boston (United States)
One of the largest and most important museums in the entire United States. In this photo King Menkaura (Mycerinus) and Queen (Old Kingdom, Dynasty 4), 2490-2472 B.C. (Valley Temple of Menkaura, Giza, Egypt).
Agyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlun - Berlin (Germany)
It is part of Neues Museum on Museum Island in Berlin. In this photo Friederike Seyfried, director of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, points out the damage caused by an "oily liquid" that left visible stains on the artifacts.
Louvre - Paris (France)
The Louvre is undoubtedly one of the most famous museums in the world, but perhaps many people do not know that it also has a wonderful collection of Egyptian artifacts. In this photo the Great Sphinx of Tanis, one of the largest sphinxes outside Egypt.
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology - London (United Kingdom)
Also in London, it contains more than 80,000 artifacts on the Egyptian world alone. In this photo here is a view of the collection of figurines Shabti collected from ancient Egyptian tombs and believed to be able to magically perform manual labor in the afterlife on behalf of the deceased.
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