Aboriginal festival of lights in Australia, photos

The Aboriginal lights festival entitled Grounded presented by Parrtjima in Federation Square, at Melbourne (Australia). The installation "Grounded" transforms indigenous artwork and stories into a large-scale animated sequence that is projected onto the ground, accompanied by an immersive and atmospheric soundscape.

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Aboriginal lights festival in Australia
The Aboriginal lights festival entitled Grounded presented by Parrtjima in Federation Square, at Melbourne (Australia). The installation "Grounded" transforms indigenous artwork and stories into a large-scale animated sequence that is projected onto the ground, accompanied by an immersive and atmospheric soundscape.
Getty Images
Aboriginal lights festival in Australia
Images of the light installations.
Getty Images
Aboriginal lights festival in Australia
Images of the light installations.
Getty Images
Aboriginal lights festival in Australia
Images of the light installations.
Getty Images
Aboriginal lights festival in Australia
Images of the light installations.
Getty Images
Aboriginal lights festival in Australia
Images of the light installations.
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