The most beautiful castles in Transylvania

Transylvania is one of Europe's richest areas for castles, with an almost fairy-tale beauty, such as Bran, a Gothic fortress associated with the legend of Dracula.

With a unique history and structures full of charm, the castles of Transylvania tell the ancient face of a region, Romania, yet to be discovered.

Among all the castles in the area, there are some that stand out from the rest in their majesty and beauty and are worth a trip alone. 

Let us therefore discover their history and special features.

Di Dobre Cezar - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0 ro,
Bran Castle
Bran Castle is one of the most famous and has even been described as Dracula's castle, although there is no evidence that Count Vlad Tepes - the person who inspired the Dracula myth - ever lived here. The structure was built in 1382 and has seen many battles over the years.
Di Cristian Bortes from Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Peles Castle, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.or
The Peleș Castle
The Peleș Castle, built in 1883, was the summer residence of the kings of Romania until the mid-1940s and is now a museum housing an extensive collection of art objects and luxury furniture. It has also served as a backdrop for several Hollywood films.
Di Alex.bikfalvi - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Hunedoara Castle
The Hunedoara Castle, rebuilt between 1446 and 1453, also known as the Corvino Castle, is customised with Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements. It was used as a prison and as the seat of the court, as well as a noble residence.
Hunedoara Castle
The renovations ordered by John Hunyadi turned the manor into a sumptuous residence. Towers, salons and guest rooms were added. The gallery and donjon, unchanged since Giovanni's time, and the Capestrano tower are today the highlights of the complex.
Domaine public,
Făgăraș Castle
The Făgăraș Castle, built in 1310, is an important medieval fortress. It stands on a hill and consists of four inner courtyards, as well as towers and defensive walls. In the past, it was used as a political prison during the communist regime.
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