Tourists flock to Washington DC to admire cherry blossom, photos

Citizens and tourists flock to Tidal Basin to admire the cherry blossoms at Washington, DC. Cooler temperatures have not stopped people from visiting the area to see the trees, which are expected to reach full bloom this week.

Getty Images
The blossoming of cherry trees at Washington DC
Citizens and tourists flock to Tidal Basin to admire the cherry blossoms at Washington, D.C. Cooler temperatures have not stopped people from visiting the area to see the trees, which are expected to reach full bloom this week.
Getty Images
Photos of the cherry blossom bloom at Washington DC
Citizens and tourists admire the cherry blossom trees.
Getty Images
Photos of the cherry blossom bloom at Washington DC
Citizens and tourists admire the cherry blossom trees.
Getty Images
Photos of the cherry blossom bloom at Washington DC
Citizens and tourists admire the cherry blossom trees.
Getty Images
Photos of the cherry blossom bloom at Washington DC
Citizens and tourists admire the cherry blossom trees.
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