Without gas and without air conditioning, here are the cities where you could live anyway

Where in the world is the temperature perfect all year round?

What are these "magical" places where even without gas for heating and electricity for air conditioning you could live the same?

If you're looking to live in a place where you don't need air conditioning or heating at any time of the year, the maps take you to Southern California, the highlands of Central and South America, parts of southern and eastern Africa, and southeastern Australia and New Zealand.

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Antananarivo (Madagascar)
Antananarivo is the capital and largest city of Madagascar. The city lies on the side of a long, narrow rocky ridge that extends north and south for about 4 km. Antananarivo is located about 1275 m above sea level and dominates a very fertile plain. Antananarivo has a subtropical mountain climate characterized by mild, dry winters and hot, rainy summers.
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Bogota (Colombia)
The capital of Colombia is located at 4 37 ° above the equator and therefore enjoys constant temperatures throughout the year. The altitude, however, can lower the thermometer by a lot, especially at night. But in any case it does not require thermal heating.
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Caracas (Venezuela)
Caracas is located in the north-central part of the country, 9 kilometers from the Caribbean Sea, from which it is separated by the Waraira Repano National Park. The climate is Caracas mountainous subtropical. The average of the coldest month (January) is 21 °C and the average of the warmest month (May) is 32.8 °C: this results in a low annual temperature range, of only 3.8 °C.
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Durban (South Africa)
Durban is a port city in South Africa located on the Indian coast of the country. With about 3.4 million inhabitants, it is the third most populous city in South Africa and its port is the largest and most important in the country and the third in the southern hemisphere for maritime container stowage. On average there are maximum temperatures of 25 degrees and minimum temperatures of 16 degrees.
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Guatemala City
Guatemala City is the capital of Guatemala and, with more than 4 million inhabitants, the most populous city in Central America. Throughout the year, the temperature typically ranges from 13 °C to 27 °C and is rarely below 11 °C or above 29 °C.
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Lima (Peru)
Lima, the capital of Peru, lies on the arid Pacific coast. Rainfall is in fact very scarce: just over 10 mm per year, often less, and falls mostly in the form of light drizzle. The average annual temperature is 19 °C. Summer, from December to April, has temperatures ranging between 21 ° C and 28 ° C; the maximum annual temperature usually does not exceed 30 °C. In winter, from mid-June to September, temperatures vary between 12 ° C and 19 ° C; 5 °C is the lowest temperature recorded historically. The spring and autumn months (September, October and May) are mild, with temperatures ranging between 17 °C and 23 °C.
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Mexico City (Mexico)
Mexico City is the capital of Mexico and one of its 32 federated states. The presence of high mountains around the Valley of Mexico is a factor that prevents the passage of rain clouds that come from the Gulf and the Pacific Ocean. For this reason, rainfall in the capital is not abundant. The wet season in the district runs from May to November, and rainfall is much higher in the months of June to August. The average temperature all year round is 17 degrees, the maximum of 24 degrees, the minimum of 11 degrees.
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Nairobi (Kenya)
Nairobi is the capital of Kenya, as well as the capital of the homonymous county. Nairobi is located at altitude near the equator and enjoys an overall mild climate. The temperature differences between summer and winter are very small. Around June-July, evening temperatures can drop to 10 °C, while on the hottest days (December to March) daytime temperatures are generally between 20 °C and 30 °C.
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Port Elizabeth (South Africa)
Port Elizabeth or Elizabeth City is one of the main port cities of South Africa located in the Eastern Cape province on the south coast. Port Elizabeth's climate is subtropical oceanic, with very mild winters and fairly hot summers. The rains are not abundant and slightly more frequent in spring and autumn. In Port Elizabeth, the average temperature of the coldest month (July) is 14.6 °C, that of the warmest month (February) is 22.1 °C.
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Quito (Ecuador)
Quito, officially San Francisco de Quito, is the capital of Ecuador. Although it rises a few kilometers from the equator, due to the high altitude Quito enjoys a temperate climate, with cool nights and abundant rainfall. A dry season exists, lasting from June to September, a period in which rainfall is scarce. In July and August the temperature is slightly warmer during the day, while in the rest of the year it can be defined as temperate. The nights are cool. The maximum temperature ever recorded was 33 degrees. And you never go below 9 degrees minimum per night on average.
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San Diego (California, USA)
San Diego is a city in Southern California, United States, located just north of the border with Mexico, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. San Diego's climate is arid sub-tropical, with very mild and relatively rainy winters, and fairly hot and sunny summers. Despite the low latitude (32 degrees north latitude), the climate is so mild, spring most of the year, because a cold current flows on the Pacific coast. On average the maximum is 21-22 degrees while the minimum is 13 degrees.
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São Paulo (Brazil)
São Paulo () or São Paulo is the capital of the Brazilian state of São Paulo. Due to the annual precipitation of rainfall, it has subtropical characteristics, but has a mild climate all year round. Although Brazilians generally consider São Paulo's climate rainy and rather cold, by world standards, the climate is warm and mild. Summer temperatures rarely exceed 30 ° C, while it is very rare that the temperature drops below zero in winter. The highest temperature ever recorded was 35.3 °C on 15 November 1985, while the minimum was −2.1 °C in 1955. The annual average is 24 degrees maximum and 14 degrees minimum
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Sydney (Australia)
Sydney is an Australian city, the most populous city in Oceania, and one of the most multicultural in the world. Sydney has a temperate oceanic climate with warm but mild summers and mild winters, and rainfall distributed throughout the year. The climate is moderated by proximity to the ocean, and the most extreme temperatures are recorded in the western suburbs of the hinterland. The hottest months are January and February, with an average air temperature range at Observatory Hill of 18.7–25.9°C for January and 18.8–25.8°C for February. Only for an average of 14.9 days a year does Sydney reach temperatures above 30°C.
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