Women traveling alone: ranking of the five safest nations in the world

Finally, after years of pandemic, we are all getting back to traveling more or less freely wherever we like. Solo travel is on the rise in this latest period, as our desire to travel is now greater than our desire to seek someone to accompany us. Solo travel is also rapidly on the rise among women, especially those "ahead of their time."

However, we are well aware of the dangers a woman who travels the world alone may face, compared to a man, and so BBC, making use of numerous researches (the Women's Peace And Security Index (WPS), the Global Gender Gap report of the World Economic Forum and the Global Peace index (PGP) of the’Institute for Economics and Peace) and opinions of women travelers, has compiled the ranking of the five safest countries if you are a woman traveling alone.

In recent years, many states have also made efforts to improve safety for women and also the perception of safety that women have within that country. In short, attention and safety for female travellers is now a key issue for the recovery of tourism, and it is good that it is so.
Women traveling alone: ranking of the five safest nations in the world
Finally, after years of pandemic, we are all returning to travelling more or less freely wherever we like. Solo travel has been on the rise lately, as our desire to travel is now greater than our desire to find someone to accompany us. Solo travel is also rapidly on the rise among women, especially those who are 'older'. However, we are well aware of the dangers a woman who travels the world alone can face compared to a man, and so the BBC, using numerous research studies (the Women's Peace And Security Index (WPS), the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap report and the Institute for Economics and Peace's Global Peace index (PGP)) and the opinions of women travellers, has compiled a ranking of the five safest countries if you are a woman travelling alone. In recent years, many states have also made efforts to improve safety for women and also the perception of safety that women have within that given country. In short, attention and safety for female travellers is now a key issue for the recovery of tourism, and it is good that it is so.
Marco Trovò -
Ranking first in the WPS index for Central and Eastern Europe, Slovenia has made great strides in women's perceptions of safety in recent years: according to the index, 85 percent of women feel safe.
BBC has also collected many testimonies from women who have not traveled or lived in Slovenia, and all tell of a place in which the language barrier is not insurmountable, and of a place that gives safety even when wandering around the cities at night. Nature tourism is very important, Slovenia offers beautiful wild landscapes but still remaining close to cities and populated centers. Even according to the direct experiences of women travelers, then, Slovenia is an ideal country for traveling alone.
Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT -
With 55 percent of its parliament composed of women representatives, Rwanda ranks first in the world for gender equality in parliament, according to the WPS. It also ranks first in the community safety perception index and sixth in the world in the Global Gender Gap.
By Martijn.Munneke from Netherlands - Kigali Genocide Memorial, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia
The BBC collected the testimony of a tourist, who spoke of the massive presence of military and police on the streets. Something that is intimidating at first, until you realise how helpful the police are. In 1994, the country was the victim of a massive genocide, but since then it has been making great strides in historical memory and remembrance. All the testimonies collected by the media speak of a perfect place for solo tourism for women.
By Tim Reckmann from Hamm, Deutschland - Dubai Skyline mit Burj Khalifa, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.
United Arab Emirates
The UAE has the highest WPS scores in the Middle East and North Africa in female schooling and financial inclusion. They have also recently achieved perfect gender parity in parliament. The UAE also ranks first among all countries in the index in the category of community safety, with 98.5 per cent of women aged 15 years and older reporting that they "feel safe walking alone at night in the city or area where they live".
By Adilamin786 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
United Arab Emirates
In addition, Dubai has been considered one of the safest cities in the world for female travelers by some insurance companies. Also the destination of many female influencers, heard by the BBC, these reported unanimous opinions of safety and reliability for the Gulf area. In addition, the region organizes a lot of guided tours, so it is quite difficult for a woman to find herself alone.
Getty Images
Japan is ranked among the top 10 safest countries in the world by the Global Peace Index for its extremely low rates of violent crime and low number of external or internal conflicts. Solo travel in the country is very popular, so much so that it is referred to as a 'culture of solo time'. Many restaurants and attractions are equipped to accommodate 'solo travellers', which is therefore an extremely normal occurrence in this country.
Di 663highland - Opera propria, CC BY 2.5,
Magazines in Japan report on the best solo destinations, such as the best karaoke, the best hotels and the best attractions. BBC interviewees speak of a language barrier that can be overcome if you stay close to the cities, but that the country still offers a wide choice of safe activities for women travelling alone.
By Jørn Eriksson - Flickr, CC BY 2.0,
Norway tops the WPS rankings for its high scores in women's financial inclusion, absence of legal discrimination, and women's community safety, and consistently ranks in the top 10 of the world's fairest and happiest countries.
Di Alchemist-hp (talk) ( - Opera propria, FAL,
Torunn Tronsvang, an Oslo resident and founder of Up Norway, also from the pages of the BBC, speaks of Norway as a place with a quiet, peaceful and tolerant culture. There is very little theft, many businesses and agencies are run by women, and therefore the climate around solo female travelers is much safer.
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